11 Annoying Things that Guests Do in Your House

Wren Cottage, Hart Design and Construction Hart Design and Construction البلد، لقب، الرواق، رواق، &، درج
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We can feel ourselves getting steamed up already just thinking about nightmare guests from hell we've had in our homes. Nevertheless, regardless of how annoyed we might get, we need to get you genned up on what the most annoying guest traits are so you can tackle them! 

The last thing you need is someone in your home who doesn't understand the meaning of bathroom courtesy or shows a flagrant disregard for all of your interior designer's hard work.

Read on and arm yourself before your next visitors arrive with our top no-nos for house guests…

1. Leaving doors open

It's a waste of heating and, more to the point, it's simply rude. Were they born in a barn? 

If the answer is no, they have no excuse for leaving your doors open when you've specifically shut them and got your house to a comfortable temperature.

2. Creating a mess or leaving clutter around

We understand people might not know where things belong in your home, but that's no reason to simply leave used plates and other items just laying around. 

We're pretty sure they could ask where things need to go.

3. Taking it upon themselves to 'help' you by cleaning

Don't confuse a helping hand with the washing up with an uninvited foray with the vacuum cleaner. One is genuinely helpful whilst the other is a passive-aggressive way of saying your home is dirty!

4. Not observing bathroom schedules or etiquette

Every household has a bathroom schedule or some unwritten rules that make perfect sense, so why do some guests not respect them?

5. Arriving too early

There is a reason for giving guests a specific time to arrive… so you can be ready for them.

When visitors turn up early, you aren't at your best or quite ready up for entertaining so their arrival can fall flat. You could try telling them to wait in the car for a few minutes!

6. Not making the bed

Oh, come on! Some of us even make the bed in a hotel room, so how can you possibly think not making the bed in someone else's home is acceptable? 

More to the point, why are you friends with them and inviting them over?

7. Snooping in private rooms

Are we all a little bit nosey? Of course we are, but we certainly wouldn't try to have a snoop around rooms that are clearly out of bounds, like offices. 

Perhaps you should lock the door just to be safe.

8. Not warning you about specific dietary requirements

This is nothing short of rude and unnecessary. If someone has a dietary requirement that's complicated or vital for their health, they have a responsibility to tell you because you're not a mind reader.

And being picky isn't the same thing! Those people can eat whatever you serve them and say thank you.

9. Being anti-social

Guests that stay in their room for most of the visit just seem a little odd to us. If you experience one of these, perhaps don't invite them to stay again, or hold off until they develop some social skills?

10. Not knowing when to enjoy quiet time

On the other end of the spectrum are guests that never give you a moment's peace. If you're trying to cook or concentrate on something, try diverting them to a bookshelf to keep them quiet and occupied.

11. Ignoring your 'no shoes' policy

If there are shoes by the door, it's a safe bet that no shoes are worn in the house.

We all know that if you're in doubt, you should just ask. Therefore, anyone that simply traipses through your home wearing their shoes should be struck off the Christmas card list!

For more home visit ideas, take a look at this Ideabook: Surprise visit? How to clean the house in 5 minutes!

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